[FreeNX-kNX] blank screen

Fabian Franz FabianFranz at gmx.de
Sat Mar 3 14:50:30 UTC 2007

> No, I turned everything off. I don't see anything that wants to
> startup in the process table. Does the following make sense? Maybe
> there is some xauth issue?
> Server-side (server and client are on one machine, though):
> root     15263  0.1  0.4   8636  2324 ?        Ss   15:32   0:00  \_ sshd:
> nx [priv]  
> nx       15266  0.0  0.2   8636  1404 ?        S    15:32   0:00  |   \_
> sshd: nx at notty   
> nx       15267  0.1  0.2   2636  1312 ?        Ss   15:32   0:00  |      
> \_ /bin/bash /usr/bin/nxserver
> nx       15455  0.0  0.1   2632   808 ?        S    15:32   0:00  |       
>    \_ /bin/bash /usr/bin/nxserver
> nx       15456  0.0  0.1   2632   784 ?        S    15:32   0:00  |       
>        \_ /bin/bash /usr/bin/nxserver
> nx       15472  0.0  0.1   2632   776 ?        S    15:32   0:00  |       
>        |   \_ /bin/bash /usr/bin/nxserver
> nx       15474  0.0  0.3  13380  1808 ?        Sl   15:32   0:00  |       
>        |   |   \_ /usr/bin/expect /usr/bin/nxnode-login -- ssh thimm 22
> /usr/bin/nxnode --startsession
> nx       15477  0.0  0.4   4984  2180 pts/14   Ss+  15:32   0:00  |       
>        |   |       \_ ssh -2 -x -l thimm -o
> NumberOfPasswordPrompts 1 -p 22 /usr/bin/nxnode --startsession
> nx       15476  0.0  0.0   1632   356 ?        S    15:32   0:00  |       
>        |   \_ cat -
> nx       15460  0.0  0.1   2632   896 ?        S    15:32   0:00  |       
>        \_ /bin/bash /usr/bin/nxserver
> root     15482  0.0  0.4   8636  2296 ?        Ss   15:32   0:00  \_ sshd:
> thimm [priv]
> thimm    15484  0.0  0.2   8636  1344 ?        S    15:32   0:00      \_
> sshd: thimm at notty
> thimm    15485  0.2  0.2   4572  1304 ?        Ss   15:32   0:00         
> \_ /bin/bash /usr/bin/nxnode --startsession
> thimm    15652  0.0  0.1   4572   676 ?        S    15:32   0:00          
>    \_ /bin/bash /usr/bin/nxnode --startsession
> thimm    15653  0.0  0.1   4572   820 ?        S    15:32   0:00          
>        \_ /bin/bash /usr/bin/nxnode --startsession
> thimm    15655  0.4  2.1  18724 10844 ?        S    15:32   0:00          
>        |   \_ /usr/lib/NX/nxagent -persistent -D -name NX -
> thimm at neu.nirvana:1000 - localhost (GPL Edition) -option
> /home/thimm/.nx/C-neu.nirvana-1000-0B423F2738C4BE8392F6A607148AA963/options -kbtype pc105/de -geometry
> 640x480+320+135 :1000
> thimm    15657  0.0  0.0   3680   504 ?        S    15:32   0:00          
>        \_ tee
> /home/thimm/.nx/C-neu.nirvana-1000-0B423F2738C4BE8392F6A607148AA963/session
> thimm    15658  0.2  0.1   4572   844 ?        S    15:32   0:00          
>        \_ /bin/bash /usr/bin/nxnode --startsession
> Client-side:
> thimm    15262  0.2  0.9   9968  4908 pts/9    S    15:32   0:00
> /usr/NX/bin/nxssh -nx -p 22 -i /home/thimm/.nx/temp/15251/keylog nx at localhost -x -2
> -o RhostsAuthentication no -o PasswordAuthentication no -o
> RSAAuthentication no -o RhostsRSAAuthentication no -o PubkeyAuthentication yes -B -E

Uhm, yes. What kind of session did you want to start?

I also can't see any running applications.

Did you install FreeNX per hand or from packages?

What does server side ~/.nx/C-*1000*/session show?



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