[FreeNX-kNX] Undecorated window

Luc Benichou Luc.Benichou at ge.com
Tue Jun 12 18:15:31 UTC 2007


Here is the situation:
On the linux server side :
  + nxagent -R -forcenx -display nx/nx,... 5001 (version 2.1.0)
on the Windows client side :
  + Xming -multiwindow
  + nxproxy -S nx/nx,... serverIP 5001 (version 2.1.0)

I'm trying to display a simple window with no decoration from the server 
onto the client.
When I redirect the DISPLAY to the IP address of the client (by passing 
NX) the frame is displayed, as expected, undecorated.
With the DISPLAY= the frame is displayed decorated.
I guess that somehow the nxagent is not forwarding the undecorated 
information to the nxproxy, would someone have any hint about where to 
start on this one ?



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