[FreeNX-kNX] FreeNX-kNX on openSUSE 10.2

Mark Van De Vyver mvyver at gmail.com
Wed Jun 6 23:24:01 UTC 2007

Thanks for all the great efforts made to get FreeNX-kNX working.....
and it does work on openSuSE 10.2 - subject to some caveats.  I'm
using version (as distributed by SuSE)

I saw the April 2 call for open issues, so hopefully this isn't too late?

On i686 and x86_64 I have to insert

   passwd -d nx

immediately after the user account is created.  For the record the
complete useradd command is:

  useradd -r -g nx -d /var/lib/nxserver/home -s /usr/bin/nxserver nx

The man page indicates the default is to create a locked account if no
password is provided, and - you guessed it - for some reason

   passwd -u nx

does not work on openSuSE 10.2 (I haven't confirmed this on x86_64)....

I wasn't able to get the nomachine client (2.1) working -
specifically, session were left running and I wasn't able to reconnect
to them (there are some threads about this).  I tried the two
suggested methods (details are in a mailing list thread) for killing
the parent sshd process - I couldn't get either to work.

As long as you stick to the KNX client all seems OK at the moment -
you can get to connect to another machine.

Three hints:
1) Open some tcp ports in the firewall of the machine you want to
connect to, say 5000:5010
2) To connect one client o more than one machine, get the client keys
from the machines you wish to connect to and copy them into the
authorized_keys2 file.  See the /usr/sbin/nxloadconfig file to
discover exactly where these files are stored.

I hope this helps someone?


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