[FreeNX-kNX] again exit status 1

Bushkov Evgeniy protectorat at mail.ru
Tue Jun 5 10:59:16 UTC 2007

Hi all.

I'm using freenx-0.5.0 and VNC sessions. For now on server near 60 users.
Some users sometimes can't start VNC-session, NX return message "startup
failed" with errors.  Nxserver.log show:

NX> 1000 NXNODE - Version 1.5.0-50 OS (GPL)
Password too short
NX> 700 Session id: dosic-1014-BD4F6D6BAA45CE2FB3D62DA873D0C372
NX> 705 Session display: 1014
NX> 703 Session type: vnc
NX> 701 Proxy cookie: cac5c18ea839c44f409dd2afc24e5bb7
NX> 702 Proxy IP:
NX> 706 Agent cookie: cac5c18ea839c44f409dd2afc24e5bb7
NX> 704 Session cache: vnc
NX> 707 SSL tunneling: 0
NX> 710 Session status: running
NX> 1002 Commit
NX> 1006 Session status: running
NX> 105 bye
NX> 999 Bye
NX> 1001 Bye.
NX> 105 NX> 1009 Session status: starting
NX> 1009 Session status: terminating
NX> 1004 Error: NX Agent exited with exit status 1.
NX> 1006 Session status: closed
NX> 596 Session startup failed.
NX> 1001 Bye.

I can't understand where find the core of problem: some peoples start
successfully, some peoples - after many attempts, record "NX> 705
Session display: 10xx" is repeated in this attempts. I try freenx-0.6.0
but situation is the same. It seems some processes or locks prevent
starting of new sessions.  How I can trace this situation? Any advice is


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