[FreeNX-kNX] connecting to XDM

Fabian Franz FabianFranz at gmx.de
Thu Jul 26 13:42:42 UTC 2007

> hello fabian,


>   thank you for your reply.  I am running the freenx server on a
> japanese Ubuntu Desktop system.  The main reason why I connect to XDM
> as opposed to just starting GNOME
> is that when i just start GNOME my japanese input system doesn"t get
> started.  

Oh, I don't know anything about that, but I guess XDM does not just start gnome-session then, but starts something else and sets some environment variables.

The good thing is you can easily change that:

- Change /etc/nxserver/node.conf


to a script, which starts first you japanese input system and then gnome-session.

>Loging in through XDM starts the IM properly.  The other
> reason I like connecting through XDM is that it allows me to change
> language environtments on a per session bases without having to go in
> and changing my default language settings. 

> If there is another way of
> doing this without logging in through XDM, i would love not having to
> enter the password twice.

If you only have two languages you can similar to the above change COMMAND_START_KDE=startkde to =myscript and set some language environment variables:

export LANGUAGE=us
export LANG=us
export LC_ALL=us
setxkbmap us # set english keymap


You could then use "GNOME" for Japanese and "KDE" for us.

But I dunno enough about XDM and GNOME to be able to answer this questions satisfactorily to the end.

There is a way like above though ...



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