[FreeNX-kNX] FreeNX: What is the file nxclient good for?

Johannes Kastl ojkastl at gmx.de
Thu Jul 5 18:51:29 UTC 2007


I just exchanged some mails with the suse maintainer of the FreeNX
package. One problem I had was that I could not install his newest
package, cos it wanted to overwrite the file /usr/NX/bin/nxclient from
the nomachine nxclient rpm. That was no problem in older packages, as
he now has changed the folders, and places the whole FreeNX stuff in

I asked him, what this file is good for, and he could not really help me.

Of course I am not talking about the nxclient file in the nomachine
package, but in the FreeNX package. All I good get it to do was a
small window with only a OK button.

Can somebody please shed some light on this issue, I would have
advised to delete the file in the packages, because of the above
mentioned problems.


`...a very ancient wizarding family noted for a vein of instability
and violence that flourished through the generations due to their
habit of merrying their own cousins.´
(Albus Dumbledore in Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince)

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