[FreeNX-kNX] maybe timing problems with nfs home andKDENXSession? WAS: problems to log in

Sebastian Reitenbach itlistuser at rapideye.de
Mon Jan 15 09:25:49 UTC 2007


> You do know that DISPLAY number 1098 is _NOT_ TCP port 1098?
> What does the following command return (ran as root)?
I am aware of that it is not a TCP Port, but I thought it is mapped somewhere 
to TCP ports for the nx proxy communication.

> netstat -tupan | awk '$4 ~ /:.*98/ {print}'
this only showed some unrelated TCP connections, at least I think so. To ldap 
and ssh servers. 
I assumed that it is mapped to the TCP Port, because after changing 
DISPLAY_BASE, the ports for the nxagent at the server changed. I thought it is 
sth. like the DISPLAY_BASE + 4000 + Number of sessions.
So I thought there might be something listening on port 5098, the standard 
DISPLAY_BASE + 4000 + Session number, but there was nothing.

kind regards

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