[FreeNX-kNX] maybe timing problems with nfs home and KDE NX Session? WAS: problems to log in

Sebastian Reitenbach itlistuser at rapideye.de
Fri Jan 12 09:10:53 UTC 2007

Hi all,

meanwhile I observed the following:
an other user account tried to log in, but it it did not worked, with a 
different error message:

NX> 1000 NXNODE - Version 1.5.0-50 OS (GPL)
NX> 700 Session id: server3-1098-4C65B1DFE60A64FEFBA3352C9A81CB7F
NX> 705 Session display: 1098
NX> 703 Session type: unix-kde
NX> 701 Proxy cookie: fd11aa90481a5a48a0567cef8971b95f
NX> 702 Proxy IP:
NX> 706 Agent cookie: fd11aa90481a5a48a0567cef8971b95f
NX> 704 Session cache: unix-kde
NX> 707 SSL tunneling: 0
NX> 1004 Error: NX Agent exited with exit status 1.
NX> 1006 Session status: closed
NX> 105 NX> 596 Session startup failed.
rm: cannot remove directory 
`/home/user1/.nx/C-server3-1098-4C65B1DFE60A64FEFBA3352C9A81CB7F/': Directory 
not empty

there was no problem to log in. 

-- NX SERVER START: -c /usr/bin/nxserver - ORIG_COMMAND=
HELLO NXSERVER - Version 1.5.0-50 OS (GPL)
NX> 105 hello NXCLIENT - Version 1.5.0
NX> 134 Accepted protocol: 1.5.0
NX> 105 login
NX> 101 User: user3
NX> 102 Password:
Info: Auth method: passdb ssh
NX> 103 Welcome to: server3 user: user3
NX> 105 
listsession --user="user3" --status="suspended,running"
--geometry="1280x1024x16+render+fullscreen" --type="unix-kde"
NX> 127 Sessions list of user 'user3' for reconnect:

Display Type             Session ID                       Options  Depth 
Screen         Status      Session Name
------- ---------------- -------------------------------- -------- -----
-------------- ----------- ------------------------------

NX> 148 Server capacity: not reached for user: user3
NX> 105 
startsession --session="KDE" --type="unix-kde" --cache="8M" --images="32M"
--link="lan" --kbtype="pc102/" --nodelay="1" --encryption="1"
--backingstore="when_requested" --geometry="1280x1024" --fullscreen="1"
--media="0" --agent_server="" --agent_user="" 
agent_password="******""  --screeninfo="1280x1024x16+render+fullscreen"

user3 at's password:
NX> 1000 NXNODE - Version 1.5.0-50 OS (GPL)
NX> 700 Session id: server3-1098-7883CC8D0B31FC29D9EB28A6AFE967C0
NX> 705 Session display: 1098
NX> 703 Session type: unix-kde
NX> 701 Proxy cookie: 9d41abe59ab8b8bb5659c9c39ab49994
NX> 702 Proxy IP:
NX> 706 Agent cookie: 9d41abe59ab8b8bb5659c9c39ab49994
NX> 704 Session cache: unix-kde
NX> 707 SSL tunneling: 1
NX> 1004 Error: NX Agent exited with exit status 1.
NX> 1006 Session status: closed
NX> 105 NX> 596 Session startup failed.
rm: cannot remove 
Device or resource busy

this happened about five times, then the login suddenly worked. On a second 
sever, where the home directories are not nfs mounted, this never did happen.

when I make an lsof on the file .nfs028548b40000038e, then startkde and a 
handfull of other kde startup processes is using this file.

unfortunately I cannot find the place where it tries to rm the .nfs... file, I 
assumed this is in the nxserver script. 

where Is the place where the nxserver tries to rm the .nfs file from the home 
directory? I think when I add a sleep before it, then it might work.

kind regards

Sebastian Reitenbach <itlistuser at rapideye.de>, User Support for FreeNX Server 
and kNX Client <freenx-knx at kde.org> wrote: 
> Hi all,
> when I try to login with knx to an freenx server, below are the messages 
> the nxserver.log file. Others do not have a problem to login via knx. 
> nxserver --list do not show any running session for the user.
> I exchanged my home directory, to make sure that is not the reason, but 
> the problem persists.
> any hint what I can do about that:
> kind regards
> Sebastian

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