[FreeNX-kNX] Misleading error message in nxloadconfig

Jeffrey J. Kosowsky berlios at kosowsky.org
Mon Dec 31 18:40:56 UTC 2007

The warning  messages:
	Warning: Invalid value "COMMAND_SMBMOUNT=smbmount". You'll not be able
	to use SAMBA.
	Warning: Invalid value "COMMAND_SMBUMOUNT=smbumount". You'll not be
	able to use SAMBA.
are a bit misleading. The probably should say something more like
	"... You'll not be able to use SAMBA over port 139 (smbfs)"

Also, similar, parallel error messages should probably now be added

More, generally, nxloadconfig could probably use a good scrubbing
since checking seems to be missing from the addition of several new shell variables.

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