[FreeNX-kNX] FreeNX and Debian

Durk Strooisma durk at kern.nl
Wed Dec 12 16:20:38 UTC 2007

> Is there a proper repo that can be used instead of fetching .deb
> packages from various potentially soon-disappearing locations ?
> Can Jeremy's pacakges, once proven for the mainstream debian populous
> out there, get included on say the FreeNX advertised debian site
> (http://packages.debianbase.de) or others ?  This is really important.

You can find in the november archive information about my repos with
NX-packages for sarge (seems to work on etch as well). These are a bit
behind, but still usable; NX 2.1, FreeNX 0.6.0.

>> About why it didn't make it in the Debian list, look for something
>> like "FreeNX rewrite". This year there was a long discussion about it.
> The mailing-list isn't easily searchable, can you point me to which
> month/year I should concentrate on.

I asked you, because I have a problem finding it myself :P But anyway, here
it is:



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