[FreeNX-kNX] FreeNX and Debian

Tim Freedom tim_freedom at yahoo.com
Wed Dec 12 13:25:51 UTC 2007

--- Durk Strooisma <durk at kern.nl> wrote:
> I guess all your answers are here on the list.
> For more information about available Debian packages, look for my name on
> the list. You will find replies to posts of Jeremy who made Ubuntu packages.

Thanks Durk for your reply.   I was looking through this month's
archives (Dec 2007) and I did read Jeremy's thread but the various
posts on the ubuntu forum left me with a headache :-) not to mention
the repeated 'For Gutsy xxxx ONLY' notices (I'm on a vanilla/stock etch).
The occasional,

  Q: ''Do you know if these debs work on etch?''
  A: ''I have no idea, but if it is based on the same
       libraries as Gutsy or newer then most likely it will.''

didn't help either :-)

Is there a proper repo that can be used instead of fetching .deb
packages from various potentially soon-disappearing locations ?
Can Jeremy's pacakges, once proven for the mainstream debian populous
out there, get included on say the FreeNX advertised debian site
(http://packages.debianbase.de) or others ?  This is really important.

> About why it didn't make it in the Debian list, look for something like
> "FreeNX rewrite". This year there was a long discussion about it.

The mailing-list isn't easily searchable, can you point me to which
month/year I should concentrate on.

All this info should really be on a wiki including possibly debian's own
as there is a rather dated/stagnent page [1] dedicated to older material
in existence.

Unforunately the info/data regarding freenx+debian, at this point, seems
to be needlessly buried and making that easily available would be great.

 [1] http://wiki.debian.org/freenx


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