[FreeNX-kNX] FreeNX and Debian

Tim Freedom tim_freedom at yahoo.com
Wed Dec 12 10:56:06 UTC 2007

Fabian, et al - great work on FreeNX do please keep it up !!

I'm a debian user and am a bit baffled at why I can't find anything
but much older 0.4.4 .deb releases.  I'm sure there are debian users
(and probably even maintainers) on the list - could someone please
address this issue ?

Stefan Lippers-Hollmann <s.l-h (at) gmx.de> is listed as the debian
creator/maintainer of the current available .deb (version-0.4.4+0.4.5-3)
as listed on the following website (http://packages.debianbase.de)
which is noted on FreeNX's download homepage [1].

In short, I'm pondering the following to address the above,

 1. Why hasn't the debianbase.de site kept up with newer releases ?
    Are there technical issues or has someone overlooked newer
    announcements ?  Can this be fixed ?

 2. Why aren't there more debian repositories listed (or available)
    for this outstanding package/application ?

 3. Are there others out there willing to build and make available
    current and future debian'ized FreeNX releases ?  Can the download
    page/list [1] be updated to note those URLs ?

 4. Why hasn't FreeNX made it into debian's "official" repositories ?
    Has a request ever been submitted ?

[1] http://freenx.berlios.de/download.php

Sorry for the rather debian-centric thread; I just want to see this
exceptional application easily and readily available for debian/ubuntu
and their cousins...


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