[FreeNX-kNX] Bug: negotiating link parameters -> timeout ON resume session. v.0.6.0/2.1.0-17

torrr com torrr.com at gmail.com
Mon Apr 23 23:15:35 UTC 2007


 I am glad that you liked that hack, thanks :)

  I did the suggested modification (and commented out my own line),
and it partially works: It does kill the stubborn sshd; On the first
resume it times out; On the second, and third resumes it succeeds. I
thought that maybe the nxserver script need to do more stuff after the
 "exit 0", and it is prevented from doing so by that exit. Then on the
first resume, it does what it have to do, but at that time it is to
late for this resume to succeed. But for the next resumes it is all
set and ready to go, and so they succeed. So I have commented out the
"exit 0" and then it worked fine.

One thing though, I get this message from my windows nxclient after
the first suspend (_only_): "The connection with the remote server was
shut down. Please check the state of your network connection". Which
suggest that killing the sshd is not what the client expects to
happen, and there might be a "cleaner" solution to look after in the
future, but this one works too, and this message is a small price to
pay for being able to resume.

On 4/23/07, Fabian Franz <FabianFranz at gmx.de> wrote:
> >   I did something a little silly but it works. I feel like I should
> > apologize... sorry:
> :-)
> Why apologize?
> >   I added this line to the top of the nxserver script:
> >
> > pstree -p nx| perl -e '@lines=<STDIN>; foreach $line  (@lines){if
> > ($line=~/^sshd\((\d+)\)$/) { kill 9, $1;}}'
> Haha, that is a nice hack ;-).
> >
> > This line does the pstree, pipe it to perl, which in turn find the
> > lines that have this and only this on it 'sshd(number)', and kills the
> > processes with that number. The stubborn process gets to live after
> > the first suspend, which is not so good, but it gets killed before the
> > next resume is done, so it is good enough for that resume to succeed.
> That gives me an idea. Try the following - if you want to:
> -exec $COMMAND_NETCAT [...]
> +kill $PPID # Lets kill our parent sshd process
> +           # or kill -9
> +exit 0
> (Of course the above is just for SSL encrypted sessions).
> cu
> Fabian
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