[FreeNX-kNX] Fedora Core 5 Suspend Session

Alastair Johnson alastair at solutiontrax.com
Thu Sep 14 15:23:07 UTC 2006

Install the nxclient on the server.

The nxclient binary is used by the server to provide a number of popups, among 
them the suspend/terminate/cancel and the printer driver selection. FreeNX 
has a script called nxclient which is supposed to provide these if the full 
nomachine client isn't installed, but which may fail if one or other of the 
programs it needs aren't installed. I have seen this happen on FC5 but didn't 
have time to investigate, so I just installed the client.

On Thursday 14 September 2006 14:38, Thomas OZENNE wrote:
> Hi,
> I got a working FC5 Freenx install ( disabled selinux before installing
> with yum install freenx)
> but I can get to suspend a session , on my nomachine client I can't close
> the window  I just can log off session ,
> I seen suspending session work on an Ubuntu , how can I make this work?
> Thanks

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