[FreeNX-kNX] SAMBA SHAREpasswd

Paul van der Vlis paul at vandervlis.nl
Thu Nov 30 10:46:18 UTC 2006

Paul van der Vlis schreef:
> Marcel kraan schreef:
>>Does someone know what format the PASSWD is that SAMBA 'shares' is using
>>Can i create automated?
>><group name="Share2" >
>><option key="Alias" value="$(SHARES)/USB" />
>><option key="Password" value=":119:53:54:41:116:123:81:76:124:" />
>><option key="Sharename" value="USB" />
>><option key="Type" value="disk" />
>><option key="Username" value="marcel" />
> Yes. It's the asci-value + the position.
> aaaaaa is :98:99:100:101:102:103:
> bbbbbb is :99:100:101:102:103:104:
> abcdef is :98:100:102:104:106:108:
> Really good encryption ;-)

But you can also use a plain pasword in your configfile:
<option key="Password" value="verysecretpassword" />

With regards,
Paul van der Vlis.

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