[FreeNX-kNX] freenx nxnode segmentation fault solved

Balagopal Pillai pillai at mathstat.dal.ca
Mon Nov 13 19:32:47 UTC 2006


         The problem i reported yesterday seems kde related. There were 
quite a few errors and warnings in the sessions file. After switching to 
gnome that came with centos 4.4, there has been no disconnections. The 
connection is almost 15 hrs old and is fine. I also put freenx on the 
compute cluster gateway with xfce and that has also worked well. It is 
useful to run matlab, femlab, sas etc on the compute nodes from home with 
acceptable performance.

	The kde i was running on the workstation was not the one 
that came with centos, it is the latest stable version from kde-redhat 
project. Maybe the stock verion of old kde might have worked without 
issues with freenx. Anyway, thanks for maintaining an informative mailing 
list. I have another question - i followed instructions from nomachine 
website and built nx on solaris 10 sparc. Copied over the working freenx
scripts from linux machine into solaris and adjusted some parts of the 
scripts. It goes past the authentication phase, but gives the session failed 
error. It gives some permission denied errors for nx user in the log, 
but permissions look fine. Has anybody tried to use freenx along with nx 
built from sources and cde on solaris 10 sparc? Thanks.


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