[FreeNX-kNX] FreeNX 0.5.0 - Snapshot 6 - "Load-Balancing"

Fabian Franz FabianFranz at gmx.de
Sat Mar 11 01:00:23 UTC 2006


I'm terribly tired so please consider this snapshot really a snapshot as there 
might be issues undetected (especially related to load-balancing)

Its not yet finished as I haven't implemented nxcheckload yet, so the "load" 
algorithm won't work out of the box.

Anyway here the ChangeLog:

	* Added perl replacement for 'rev' function on Sun OS 5.10.
        * Fixed NODE_AUTOSTART to be unable to block sessions.
        * Fixed stale sessions introduced by the new session handling model.
	(bug reported by Tobias Powalowski <t.powa at gmx.de>)
        * Added usage of TCP NODELAY option.
        * Fixed loadbalancing IP issues.
	(bug reported by Arrouan)
        * Added --force-terminate to remove session info.
          Fixed issue with suspend/terminate commands.
	(will help the one-time-password FreeNX+Patch guys)
        * Added correct errorcode 596 instead of 504.
        * Implemented "round-robin" and "load" loadbalancing algorithms.
          Cleaned up node.conf keys.
	(Ideas based on the Patch by Arrouan)

Get it from:


(debian.tu-bs.de denied my access)

Please test, if you dare to ;-).



      *** Consulting - Training - Workshops - Troubleshooting ***
   @@@ LiveCDs (Knoppix), Debian, Remote Desktop Access (FreeNX) @@@

--- Fabian Franz --- www.fabian-franz.de --- consulting at fabian-franz.de
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