[FreeNX-kNX] Version 2 client - Which FreeNX server ?

Peter Van den Wildenbergh pvdw at criticalcontrol.com
Fri Jun 30 02:15:09 UTC 2006

No luck.... Installed 0.4.4 from RPM (64 bit suse 10.1)

When using client 2.0 I got

Warning: Connected to remote NXPROXY version 1.5.0 with local version 2.0.0.
Session: Session started at 'Thu Jun 29 20:05:51 2006'.
Warning: Cookie mismatch in the authentication data.
Session: Terminating session at 'Thu Jun 29 20:06:52 2006'.
Info: End of NX transport requested by signal '15'.
Info: Waiting the cleanup timeout to complete.
Info: Shutting down the NX transport.
Warning: Parent process appears to be dead. Exiting watchdog.

So my only hope is finding 1.5 clients for winBlows and Linux?
or trying to build the whole thing from source
(and comment out the 3 lines below?)

Very frustrating, it was all working just because I could not 
get a 1.5 client anymore for a new computer I started the 'upgrade'


-----Original Message-----
From: Wolfgang Schweer [mailto:schweer at cityweb.de]
Sent: Thu 6/29/2006 4:31 PM
To: User Support for FreeNX Server and kNX Client
Subject: Re: [FreeNX-kNX] Version 2 client - Which FreeNX server ?
Hash: SHA1

Peter Van den Wildenbergh wrote:

> Which FreeNX server do I use with the 2.x NX clients?

I'm using freenx 0.4.4+0.4.5-4 on Debian sarge/etch and freenx
0.4.4+0.4.5-3ubuntu on Ubuntu Dapper Drake.

You have to make sure that 'fake cookie authentication' is working on
the server.

Look at /usr/lib/nx/nxnode and search for that string.
(I commented out three lines to omit the conditions.)
Pre 1.5 clients will face trouble in this case,
though - but works for
me (no users with old clients).

By the way: If you have some xorg version installed on the server,
make sure that there are symlinks in /usr/X11R6/lib/X11 pointing to
the file rgb.txt and to the directory xkb, both probably located
in /etc/X11.


Version: GnuPG v1.4.3 (GNU/Linux)


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