[FreeNX-kNX] NoMachine releases NX 2.0

Eike Hein sho at eikehein.com
Sat Jun 24 21:43:05 UTC 2006

Hash: SHA1

Eike Hein wrote:
> - NoMachine's server implementation doesn't
>   appear to have a facility comparable to
>   FreeNX' NODE_AUTOSTART to specify a command
>   to be run not only at session startup but
>   also resume, which I depend on for several
>   reasons.

I've now migrated to NX 2.0 after all, replacing FreeNX'
NODE_AUTOSTART facility with a small daemon written in C
that uses the inotify API found in the Linux kernel to
monitor the NX data structures and detect a resume, then
kicking off a series of operations required by my setup.

While in the end I chose to go with a C-based program,
I did stumble over an interesting command line utility
while searching for a cron-like daemon to bind arbitrary
commands to inotify events: The "inotify-tools" can be
conveniently used from a shell script much to the same
effect, leveraging while loops to block for events and
keep running perpetually.

Website: http://rohanpm.net/inotify-tools

Perhaps it comes in handy for some.

- --
Eike Hein, sho at eikehein.com

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