[FreeNX-kNX] getting to my freenx box at home from work

Kurt Pfeifle k1pfeifle at gmx.net
Sat Jun 24 01:03:22 UTC 2006

On Friday 23 June 2006 23:44, Jim McNelis wrote:
> At work I have a
> WinXP workstation (hold the boos) and it sits behind a corporate firewall.
> Access to the web at work is via a proxy server.

That proxy server may be set up to only allow ports 80 (HTTP) and 
443 (HTTPS "well known ports").

> I've installed the Windows 
> NoMachine client and pointed it at my dyndns hostname on port 8888 but all I
> ever get is connection timeout errors. I read one thread here about
> transconnect but our corporate web filter blocks proxy web pages (including
> theirs) so I guess that's out.

*If* the only way to the external world is via the proxy, 
transconnect is pretty much your only choice *for* *a*
*Unix-based* client. transconnect does not work for Windows.

For Windows, you'll want to look for and install "HTTPort".
HTTPort can help such software to use and authenticyte to a
proxy that itself is not proxy-capable (such as ssh command
line client, or previous versions of NoMachine NX Client).

Both (transconnect and HTTPort) will only work, if your proxy
does indeed permit connections to non-80/443 ports (at least
your 8888 port).

The NX connection will function if you can ssh home from work.
Just set "Enable SSL encryption for all traffic" on the client.


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