[FreeNX-kNX] n00b Q: How do you connect to the root "console" session from remote?

Paul van der Vlis paul at vandervlis.nl
Fri Jun 16 08:34:46 UTC 2006

Kurt Pfeifle schreef:

> So, if VNC is not ruled out, here is the general recipe:
>  * on the remote host run a VNC server that is able 
>    to  "screenscrape" your main X11 session (look at 
>    "x11vnc --help|less")
>  * on your local system, run NX Client, and configure 
>    it for a VNC session to remote host, connecting to
>    the screenscraping VNC server

I think you use FreeNX not as a thin-client-server, but only as a
remote-access tool. I use FreeNX as a thin-client-server, and then the
situation is different. You need to run X11vnc on the thin-client, not
on the "remote host".

What I do is the following:

- I connect from remote to the thin-client-server of the customer with
my own login-name.
- From there, I run a VNC session to the thin-client of my customer. On
this way, I see what the customer sees.

My thin-clients are ThinStation based, and this works fine.

With regards,
Paul van der Vlis.

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