[FreeNX-kNX] n00b Q: How do you connect to the root "console" session from remote?

Paul van der Vlis paul at vandervlis.nl
Thu Jun 15 18:01:53 UTC 2006

Shayne Webrider schreef:
> Hrm...so maybe I'm looking at the wrong product.  Is there an RDP style
> app for linux that will do what I'm trying...?  (basically high speed
> remote control of an existing desktop?)

Look for X11vnc. It's not perfect, but it works.

Maybe it can help to use freenx to get a faster connection. But I think
that's not faster over ADSL. Maybe it is over a slower connection.

I've heard that Nomachine NX will support this in the future (and that
can be real soon).

With regards,
Paul van der Vlis.

> On 6/15/06, *Eike Hein* <sho at eikehein.com <mailto:sho at eikehein.com>> wrote:
>     Hash: SHA1
>     Shayne Webrider wrote:
>     > So,  I have MachineA sitting with a Gnome session running.  I go to
>     > MachineB
>     > and want to pick up that session using NX.  How do I connect to that
>     > session?
>     You can't. NX works by spawning a pseudo-X11 server on
>     the remote box that the session runs on, and then acts
>     as proxy, i.e. forwards the protocol stream (with
>     niceties like roundtrip suppression and compression)
>     to the NX client, which happens to be an X server as
>     well (an Xnest instance on Linux or Cygwin/X on Win).
>     Sessions running on a different X server cannot be
>     picked up. NX is a terminal server rather than a
>     generic remote control solution.
>     Best regards,
>     Eike Hein
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