[FreeNX-kNX] Remote boot

Paul van der Vlis paul at vandervlis.nl
Thu Jun 15 17:38:59 UTC 2006

Humberto Valiente schreef:
> Im running a freenx server under vmware + tftp server ( remote booting)
> If I run the WinXP nxclient  from another machine (client machine) I can
> connect to the freenx server very well
> Problems
> Im having problems to connect to the server if I use the boot CD (
> Connection time out after Negotiating parameters)
> If I try to boot from network I don know which image I have to use or
> how I have to create it ( PXE file to big ..)
> How can I create a boot floppy disk  or  an usb boot drive for remote
> booting ?
> Any help will be appreciated

I am using ThinStation, it works very well:

I use version 2.2 rc2, but maybe rc4 is better:

They have also a nice PXE bootdisk/cdrom

And some people will like this (I prefer building it on my own machine):

With regards,
Paul van der Vlis.

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