[FreeNX-kNX] n00b Q: How do you connect to the root "console" session from remote?

Shayne Webrider webrider at gmail.com
Thu Jun 15 15:23:33 UTC 2006

Ok.  I'm new to using Linux as a desktop (always been command line server
for me) and new to FreeNX (only a couple days of messing with it):

So,  I have MachineA sitting with a Gnome session running.  I go to MachineB
and want to pick up that session using NX.  How do I connect to that

I have been able to connect from MachineB to MachineA but get a fresh
session (which I can then resume if I suspend it).  Which is ok.  But I'm
used to RDP where I can pick up an existing console session as well if I
choose.  Can NX do this?

If I didn't explain myself well please don't pounce.  I normally don't post
for help but Google couldn't help me with this so far.... :)

Thanks for any hints or pointers!
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