[FreeNX-kNX] Strange mouse behavior

Jeffrey Borg jeffrey at borgs.net
Wed Jun 14 10:49:05 UTC 2006


Are you using synergy? the program which lets you use your mouse cursor 
across boxes?

It does exactly this problem. also affects Xnest as well. Found this out 
at work by accident.

Maybe some program is using the same x extension that synergys (the server 
part)  uses?


On Wed, 14 Jun 2006, Victor Trac wrote:

> I had been using freenx without any problems on a Debian Etch server and the
> NoMachine 1.5.0-141 client for linux on Ubuntu, until recently (possibly
> after an apt-get upgrade) when my freenx mouse cursor doesn't seem to work
> properly.  Movement across the screen seems fine, but clicks don't actually
> register.  When I click/drag to make a box on the desktop, it creates the
> corner of the box randomly about 50-100 pixels away from where I actually
> clicked.  I can't actually click on anything (including the freenx window
> close box), so I have to kill the freenx client from my Ubuntu host system.
> It's quite weird... I've tried reinstalling X and freenx on the Debian Etch
> server, but it doesn't seem to affect anything.
> A colleague using NoMachine's Windows client has no problems connecting to
> the same server, so it's either just a problem on linux or a problem on my
> specific machine.  Anyone else see similar issues, or have any idea as to
> what the cause is?
> Thanks,
> Victor

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