[FreeNX-kNX] SSH server not running on port 22 - startsession fails

Alexander Skwar listen at alexander.skwar.name
Sun Jul 30 11:27:11 UTC 2006

Cameron Jenkins schrieb:

> You need to edit the file /usr/NX/etc/node.conf, and look for
> "SSHD_PORT=22".

Thanks, this worked!

> I too was tired of SSH brute force attempts, so I installed denyhosts,
> which there is an ebuild for. I suggest you look into that if you prefer
> to leave your ssh on port 22.

Thanks for the advice, but I've now set it all up to connect to
SSH @ custom-port and would prefer to NOT change that.

Alexander Skwar
By golly, I'm beginning to think Linux really *is* the best thing since
sliced bread.
		-- Vance Petree, Virginia Power

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