[FreeNX-kNX] How can I unsubscribe? I've followed the directions many times wit no luck. Who can I contact?

Jim Kroger jkroger at nmsu.edu
Thu Jul 6 15:27:26 UTC 2006

At 09:18 AM 7/6/2006, Ben Goodrich wrote:
>Hash: SHA1
>Great work. I have two questions.
>1) Jonathon Riddell said on http://www.kdedevelopers.org/node/2166 that
>"Fabien (sic) gave an update on FreeNX but despite NoMachine releasing
>NX 2.0 there doesn't seem to be much chance of there being something
>that's usable to make distribution packages with any time soon."
>Is that description too pessimistic?
>2) I have been glancing at the 0.6 branch, is it conceivable that
>someone could unpack NoMachine's nxnode binaries on some remote
>server(s) without administrative privileges and configure the node(s) to
>connect to a FreeNX server on a spare computer (with root access) that
>would allocate the load and maybe provide shared filespace?
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>      Were you helped on this list with your FreeNX problem?
>     Then please write up the solution in the FreeNX Wiki/FAQ:
>   http://openfacts.berlios.de/index-en.phtml?title=FreeNX_FAQ
>          Don't forget to check the NX Knowledge Base:
>                  http://www.nomachine.com/kb/
>        FreeNX-kNX mailing list --- FreeNX-kNX at kde.org
>       https://mail.kde.org/mailman/listinfo/freenx-knx

Jim Kroger
NMSU Psychology MSC 3452
220 Science Hall, Williams Street
Las Cruces,  NM 88003-8001
Tel:  (505) 646 2243
Fax: (505) 646 6212

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