[FreeNX-kNX] nxclient and "challengeresponseauthentication no"

Kurt Pfeifle k1pfeifle at gmx.net
Fri Jan 27 04:32:45 UTC 2006

On Friday 27 January 2006 03:04, Brian Keener wrote:

> And of course, there's no "man nxclient", nxserver, freenx, knx, etc. etc.
> etc. so there's not a whole lot of documentation to go on...

That's because, of course, there is extremely little interest, close to 
none, even in our great OSS community, for using a cool technology like
NX, let alone making it pervasive. But there are lots of complainers, 
moaners and freeriders, often impersonated in one single unit....

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