[FreeNX-kNX] Update: Fedora/Redhat Freenx RPM's - 0.4.4-2

Rick Stout zipsonic at gmail.com
Thu Jan 26 23:04:04 UTC 2006

> Thanks, Rick. Is there an advisory or any more details on the security 
> issue?
This has actually been addressed in the past, but you can read about it 
here, but the basic problem was that unless turned off in sshd_config, 
any user with the nx key could connect to the server and use it as a 
proxy: forwarding ports, etc... This was resolved a few releases ago 
with the nxsetup disallowing those actions by use of the 
authorized_keys2 file. Since the RPM does all of the setup and the user 
almost never touches nxsetup, those changes were never applied. I 
updated the install scripts in the rpm to take this update into account, 
and eliminate that particular security concern.


Rick Stout

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