[FreeNX-kNX] Embedding NX within a GUI

LROUFAIL at nc.rr.com LROUFAIL at nc.rr.com
Thu Feb 9 13:17:45 UTC 2006

----- Original Message -----
From: John Logsdon <j.logsdon at quantex-research.com>
Date: Wednesday, February 8, 2006 5:30 am
Subject: [FreeNX-kNX] Embedding NX within a GUI

> Can we embed the NX client within the GUI so that it communicates 
> with the
> engine which will be elsewhere?  Both are official nomachine NX 
> clientsand servers.

The 1.5.0 NX client can be embedded in the sense that it has a command 
line interface which can be used to invoke the client in the 
background.  You use the --plugin script.

> What are the implications for returning data - particularly 
> graphics -
> which would need to be directed to within the GUI window ideally?

You have to think about how the client really works.  The client itself 
negotiates an X-Windows session through the NX proxies on the client 
and the server.  The session is then displayed in another window 
through the X-server on the machine.  Because Windows doesn't have an X-
Server built in, the nx client installs one (nxwin.exe) and launches it 
before the session is created.

So you can invoke the client in the background, but the gui will be 
displayed in another window using the external X-server.  If you wanted 
to embed the X-Server in your application, there are solutions to 
that.  I have seen some activeX controls that allow you to do that.  
But it would require customizing the NX Client or modifying an open 
source client like nxrun.

If it is important that the remote gui display within your application 
window, then I recommend you discuss licensing the source or doing a 
custom project with Nomachine.

- L

> Best wishes
> John

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