[FreeNX-kNX] NXClient and Cygwin...

Jack Tanner ihok at hotmail.com
Tue Feb 7 15:53:58 UTC 2006

Brian Keener wrote:
> I'm trying to get Cygwin and NXClient to cohabitate peacefully, and not 
> having a lot of luck.

I'm afraid I don't know what the "official" solution is, and I don't 
know if there even is an official solution, but here's what works for me.

Install Cygwin. Install NX Client. Make a note of all cygwin-related 
DLLs from the NX Client install (more than just cygwin1.dll) that can be 
installed directly as Cygwin packages. If you don't know what Cygwin 
package is supposed to contain a particular DLL, use the package search 
(link on the homepage of cygwin.com). Install those Cygwin packages, 
then remove the DLLs from the NX install. Finally, make sure the path to 
the DLLs in the Cygwin install is part of the PATH environment variable. 
Voila: Cygwin doesn't complain about conflicting DLL versions, and NX 
Client picks up DLLs in the Cygwin install.

This could cause problems if the NX Client relied on particular versions 
of Cygwin DLLs from its own install, but it should work so long as they 
don't stray apart.

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