[FreeNX-kNX] Keymap, Keysyms, and States

Kurt Granroth freenx at granroth.org
Thu Sep 29 15:23:46 UTC 2005

On Sep 29, 2005, at 4:57 AM, Gian Filippo Pinzari wrote:
> Kurt Granroth wrote:
>>> If, however, I start an NX session on a x86 machine, the keymap is
>>> very different.  The 'a' key sends a keycode of 38 to translate to
>>> the same keysym of 0x61.  All of the other keycodes are likewise
>>> different.
>> Let me know if running "setxkbmap -model macintosh" inside nxagent
>> before suspending the session makes any difference.
> Did you have a chance to run this test?

Yes I did and it's no joy.  The command at least runs when I start  
the session with an x86 client and I can verify that it did something  
by doing a 'setxkbmap -print'... but it doesn't appear to do anything  
to the actual keycode to keysym translations.

Mind you, it only works that far one way.  If I start the client  
originally in OS X, then setxkbmap won't work at all.  It prints some  
error message that escapes me for the moment and dumps core.  Fun!   
Offhand, I believe that this is because the X11 that ships with OS X  
doesn't support the xkb extension?

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