[FreeNX-kNX] Works by hand, with !M client it doesnt
Diego M. Vadell
dvadell at lantech.com.ar
Thu Sep 22 19:52:28 UTC 2005
Hi list,
I have installed NX in a server without much pain. Now Im trying to install
it in another, and somewhere I messed it up and it doesnt work. And now Im
completely lost, because I can make it work by hand, doing:
ssh -X dvadell at SERVER
LD_LIBRARY_PATH="/usr/NX/lib" /usr/NX/bin/nxagent :1000 & DISPLAY=:1000
(that is: logging in with ssh -X, running nxagent :1000 - now a big black
screen appears in the client's desktop - and running startkde with the
DISPLAY set to :1000, where nxagent has it).
This works ok. Very slow, but it works. Now, with the nxclient, I get this,
right after "Initializing X compression protocol":
NXPROXY - Version 1.5.0
Copyright (C) 2001, 2005 NoMachine.
See http://www.nomachine.com/ for more information.
Info: Proxy running in client mode with pid '3753'.
Info: Synchronizing local and remote caches.
Info: Handshaking with remote proxy completed.
Info: Using cache parameters 4/262144/8192KB/8192KB.
Info: Using image cache parameters 1/1/32768KB.
Info: Using adsl link parameters 8192/8/10/50.
Info: Using pack method '16m-jpeg-7' with session 'unix-kde'.
Info: Using ZLIB data compression level 3.
Info: Using ZLIB data threshold set to 32.
Info: Using ZLIB stream compression level 6.
Info: Using remote ZLIB data compression level 3.
Info: Using remote ZLIB stream compression level 6.
Info: No suitable cache file found.
Info: Starting X protocol compression.
Warning: Cookie mismatch in the authentication data.
Info: End of session requested by remote proxy.
Info: Shutting down the link and exiting.
More data:
Client: Linux x86 32bit Slackware, !M client 1.5.0-106
Server: Linux CentOS x86 32bit , !M server 1.5.0-61 + freenx 0.4.2
-- NX SERVER START: -c /usr/NX/bin/nxserver
HELLO NXSERVER - Version 1.4.0-04 OS (GPL)
NX> 105 hello NXCLIENT - Version 1.5.0
NX> 134 Accepted protocol: 1.5.0
NX> 105 login
NX> 101 User: dvadell
NX> 102 Password:
Info: Auth method: passdb
NX> 103 Welcome to: fja user: dvadell
NX> 105 listsession --user="dvadell" --status="suspended,running"
--geometry="1400x1050x16+render" --type="unix-kde"
NX> 127 Sessions list of user 'dvadell'
Display Username Remote IP Session ID
------- --------------- --------------- --------------------------------
NX> 105 startsession --session="FJA" --type="unix-kde" --cache="8M"
--images="32M" --cookie="f56902857f509563ac4f550626058603" --link="adsl"
--kbtype="pc105/la" --nodelay="1" --encryption="1"
--backingstore="when_requested" --geometry="640x480+380+241" --media="0"
--agent_server="" --agent_user="" --agent_password="" --agent_domain=""
NX> 1000 NXNODE - Version 1.4.0-04 OS (GPL)
NX> 700 Session id: fja-1000-8B53162A3318DDFFC4C63D6762BCBC57
NX> 705 Session display: 1000
NX> 703 Session type: unix-kde
NX> 701 Proxy cookie: 3c250f7cc4725cfe139ad9e524bcd1ec
NX> 702 Proxy IP:
NX> 706 Agent cookie: f56902857f509563ac4f550626058603
NX> 704 Session cache: unix-kde
NX> 707 SSL tunneling: 1
NX> 710 Session status: running
NX> 1002 Commit
NX> 1006 Session status: running
NX> 105 bye
NX> 999 Bye
NX> 1009 Session status: terminating
NX> 1006 Session status: closed
NX> 1001 Bye.
I have tried changing the options in the client without success. Does anyone
have a clue of what may be happening?
Thanks in advance,
-- Diego.
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