[FreeNX-kNX] nxcompext-1.5.0-16

Jacob S. Landsman reem.artsi at gmail.com
Wed Sep 14 20:21:17 UTC 2005


I have followed the instructions in:

...and I'm stuck in: "Most NX executables need the nxcomp and
nxcompext libraries to work. Given that you built the libraries in
your $HOME..."

I'm trying to build nxcompext-1.5.0-16.tar.gz, but I'm getting the
following error:

g++ -o libXcompext.so.1.5.0  -shared -Wl,-soname,libXcompext.so.1
-L../nx-X11/lib/X11 -L../nxcomp \
         NXlib.o Clean.o Mask.o Tight.o Jpeg.o Png.o  -ljpeg -lpng 
-lz -lX11 -lXcomp
/usr/bin/ld: cannot find -lX11
collect2: ld returned 1 exit status
make: *** [libXcompext.so.1.5.0] Error 1

Please help.

Jacob Landsman
My contact page: http://public.xdi.org/=Jacob.Landsman

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