[FreeNX-kNX] Persistent Client Error

Bob Hartung rwhart at mchsi.com
Sat Sep 10 01:41:47 UTC 2005

Hi all,
   I am new to FreeNX.
   My setup is as follows:
     Server:  FC4 with FreeNX installed
     Client:  FC3 with nxclient-1.5.0-106.i386.rpm

   On server I have username "nxuser"
     I have run '/usr/bin/nxserver --useradd nxuser'
     I can list users etc.
     I have imported client.id_dsa.key into my client

   On the client when I try to connect I receive the error:
	Server not installed or NX access disabled.
   I receive the same error when trying to log into
testdrive.nomachine.com with newly issued password/username

   I check the fedora site and believe ssh is set up okay except when I
try to issue the command as nxuser:
       ssh nx@{xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx}
I consistently receive the error:
       ssh: {xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx}: Name or service not known

I can ssh as nxuser from the client FC3 machine into the server FC4
machine although it takes about 20 seconds to authenticate and ask for

Can someone point me in the right direction to begin solving this problem?


Bob Hartung

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