[FreeNX-kNX] Is copying keys to "/usr/NX/share/" outdated?

Felix E. Klee fk at linuxburg.de
Thu Sep 8 09:37:23 UTC 2005

When running FreeNX-0.4.4's "nxsetup --install", the following message
is displayed:

  Warning: Clients will not be able to login to this server with the
  standard key.
           Please replace /usr/NX/share/client.id_dsa.key on all clients
           you want
           to use with /var/lib/nxserver/home/.ssh/client.id_dsa.key
           and protect it accordingly.

Why is it necessary to copy




After all, at least in nxclient 1.5.0, one has the option to import a
key from an arbitrary location.  I doubt that nxclient 1.5.0 looks at
keys in the directory "/usr/NX/share/" at all.  How about older clients?
Do they rely on keys in that directory?  In any case, the message
appears to be outdated.
Felix E. Klee

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