[FreeNX-kNX] problem with freenx windows client

Eric Hameleers alien at nl.ibm.com
Fri Sep 2 09:33:11 UTC 2005

Manish Bhatia wrote:

> Hi Eric
>   Can you give me some more details on what you did?
> Thanks
> Manish


At this moment, I am running the latert NX Client for Windows
alongside a full Cygwin install (on one machine, a recent cygwin, on
another, a cygwin install of more than 6 months old), but in both
cases I had to change the "cygdrive prefix" back to the default.

The reason for changing the cygdrive prefix? I was not very charmed of
having to type "/cygdrive/c/....." everytime I wanted to access the
Windows partition's files from within a bash shell, so I changed the
prefix to "/win" which was less characters to type :-)

To do so, I ran "mount -c /win". You can check your prefix by running
"mount -p". This changed prefix is stored in the Windows Registry, and
the cygwin.dll will look up that key. This is also what the cygwin.dll
does that comes with the NX client... because the NX client aborted
with "Error Unknown" all the time.
Only by looking at the debug output from the client, I realized that
it was trying to access files by looking for "/cygdrive/c/Documents
and settings/..." etc, which led me to the conclusion that my custom
"cygdrive prefix" was interfering.

Hope this helps you. Any Nomachine heads listening too? Should I file
a bug?

Cheers, Eric

Eric Hameleers

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