[FreeNX-kNX] NXserver on Mac OS X

superbnerd superbnerd at yahoo.com
Tue Mar 22 01:01:27 UTC 2005

Hello (Free)NX users,

I don't know if this is more suited for the developers
mailing list, but I was wandering how the status of an
nxserver for OSX is going. Is there any development at

I am not an expert on NX's techniques, but it works on
most *nixes, so it should be able to run on OSX with
X11 installed. I understand that you would only have
access to the X11 environment which is separate from
the native Quartz/Aqua environment. However, it should
be possible to tunnel quartz through x11 via vnc. One
could configure vnc to run on localhost and much in
the same way you can use nxserver as a vnc/rpd gateway
to serve up accelerated remote windows sessions. 

This would be better that running a separate linux box
as the gateway/server because vnc would not have any
slow down because the traffic would not travel over
the network. With the bottleneck, you could run vnc
raw to get maximum performance and let the nxserver
process do all of the compression.

If any one is interested in an OS X nxserver, Bruno
Saverio Delbono has offered developers a test account
on his box: http://www.nomachine.com/developers/archives/nxusers/1357.php

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