[FreeNX-kNX] Ghost user or rather incorrect user displayed

Jonathan Chen jonachen at cisco.com
Wed Mar 30 22:20:25 UTC 2005

Hello all,

I am wondering if anyone has this issue or not.  This is the 2nd time I see
it happening.

In RHEL 3,  I typed "w" and I would see the users below...
USER     TTY      FROM              LOGIN@   IDLE   JCPU   PCPU  WHAT
sat pts/1    -                 5:35am  8:36m  0.00s  0.13s  kdeinit: kwrited

Wat      pts/4    -                 1:50pm 22:14   0.00s  0.00s  /bin/ksh 
Jona     pts/3    dhcp-IP-IP-IP-   2:04pm  0.00s  0.10s  0.01s  w 
Wat      pts/2    -                 1:28pm 43:30   0.00s  0.15s  kdeinit:
Ctxtst  pts/30   -                11Mar05  0.00s  1:21m  0.05s
/usr/libexec/gconfd-2 30

The user ctxtst should not show up.  Doing a "ps -eaf | grep gcon" would
only return the 

Wat   13809     1  0 14:01 ?        00:00:00 /usr/libexec/gconfd-2 30

I don't see it effect anything but it is strange to see ctxtst show up when
that user has not logged into in.

Bug right?

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