[FreeNX-kNX] users

Fabian Franz FabianFranz at gmx.de
Fri Mar 11 02:19:18 UTC 2005

Hash: SHA1

Am Freitag, 11. März 2005 02:51 schrieb elias humbolt:
> Well, I can only guess, why it is working with plain ssh and even remote x
> sessions but not with NX, since I got in touch with utmp/wtmp for the first
> time. I thought NX would use ssh respectively pam to authenticate the
> users.

Yes, that is right.

> So do I understand this right, it is actually ssh that would write to utmp
> not pam and since we use ssh only as a tunnel, it does not write to utmp,
> since it does not consider the user to be logged in and ssh -t might fix
> that?

Yes, ssh does just write an entry to utmp if there is an actual tty associated 
with the session.

> Another question:
> If nx would write to utmp itself, how would you handle suspended sessions?

The same as if ssh handled them. Suspended users are not logged in throug 

> Here is the requested nxserver --list
> xserver:~#  nxserver --list
> NX> 100 NXSERVER - Version 1.4.0-02 OS_(GPL)
> NX> 127 Sessions list:
> Display Username        Remote IP       Session ID
> ------- --------------- --------------- --------------------------------
> 1000    stoy_c  IP.IP.IP.IP    041AEB148459D9185A7E861C2852A8D5
> 1000    hugo    IP.IP.IP.IP  1FE6850EB32C8F05E658C29C7E10648C
> NX> 999 Bye

No, I did not request it. I just wanted to show you that there is kind of a 
user listing already.


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