[FreeNX-kNX] Rootless vs Proxy mode -- Is there a speed difference?

Jonathan Chen jonachen at cisco.com
Thu Mar 10 16:38:05 UTC 2005

> to answer the question from your "subject":
> Yes, there is a speed difference. In Proxy mode no roundtrips 
> can be eliminated, which is very important if you are on a 
> high latency connection.
I am aware but want to do a  "Just in case I'm wrong, I should ask."  I
thought "maybe" the new release might fix the problem but I'm tilting toward
no already since the core codes is from nomachine.com(thanks nomachine).

> >
> > I am wondering if there is a difference if you were running gui app 
> > like Eclipse in rootless mode or not?  It's good to run in rootless 
> > mode because less memory and other resources are consumed 
> vs KDE + Eclipse w/Proxy??
> Please distingiush between running an application in a 
> "floating window" and in a "virtual desktop".
Yes, I meant floating window. 

> If you run an application in a "virtual desktop", nxagent is 
> started and you have roundtrip elimination.
> If you run an application in "floating window" mode and you 
> have ENABLE_ROOTLESS="0" then nxproxy will be started instead 
> of nxagent and you neither can suspend sessions nor have 
> roundtrip elimination.
> If you set ENABLE_ROOTLESS="1", nxagent will be started and 
> you might be able to suspend the session, but that is still 
> experimental.
Good to know and great explanaition.

Thanks for all involved in the project.

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