[FreeNX-kNX] Upgrade question

Sean Lynch lynch30 at marshall.edu
Wed Mar 9 04:39:04 UTC 2005

I currently have NX-1.4.0-12 and FreeNX-0.2.5-2 RPMs installed, but would like 
to upgrade to 0.3.0 that was just released.  I saw there is a tarball 
available at http://debian.tu-bs.de/knoppix/nx/freenx-0.3.0.tar.gz.  I had a 
few questions before I upgraded though.

The NX-1.4.0-12 I currently have installed, do I still need this with the 
0.3.0 tarball above?  If so, is there an updated version?  Also, is this RPM 
the same as the NX-Server one on nomachine.com, or is it stripped of the 
non-GPL/free stuff also?

Thank you in advance,

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