AW: [FreeNX-kNX] Alioth projekt for FreeNX debian packages

Paul van der Vlis paul at
Sun Jun 19 13:53:45 UTC 2005

Martin Heddergott schreef:
>>No, because the key we are talking about is not used to encrypt the
>>traffic but only for authenticating the nx user to the SSHD server.
>>SSHD will then yield the control to nxserver, being nxserver the nx
>>user's login shell. Both host authentication and all the other TLS
>>features of SSH are entirely preserved.
> Hi,
> sorry,i've still a question on this Topic.
> The Connection to the nxserver is established by public/private key 
> auth. for user nx. The Shell for this User is nxserver which askes
> for Username and Password.
> Because the nomachine private key is known, it is possible to 
> intercept and decrypt the Username and Passwort as said by Felix
> schumacher. And there will be no warning like Paul van der Vlis said 
> if the Interceptor uses the nomachine key - or am i wrong ?

The warning comes, because the machine has another host-key. That's
something different as the private key. The host-key is made when you
install SSH, most of the time when you install a distribution.

When your machine is a copy of another machine, they will have the same
host-key (untill you created a new one).

Please correct me when I am wrong.

With regards,
Paul van der Vlis.

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