[FreeNX-kNX] non-root install of freenx server in a linux environment

Brandon Miller xzealot54x at yahoo.com
Sat Jun 11 20:11:25 UTC 2005

At my company, all employees have laptops and connect to our linux servers
using VNC to do work.  When working from home over VPN VNC can be a little slow
when using some of our GUI applications, so I wanted to try out NX.... I think
it could be a real productivity boost.

I downloaded and compiled all the free sources from NoMachine, then I grabbed
the latest freenx scripts and tried to install.  Unfortunately, the install
scripts require root access and try to add a new user called 'nx'.

I'm not in the IT department, I don't have root access, and they'll never
cooperate with me and install NX.  I'm hoping that if it works well and all the
engineers start using it to do work then IT will be forced to install and
maintain it (not too hopeful... I've previously downloaded and compiled
tightVNC server, which seemed to help some, and many of our engineers use it,
although IT won't support it).

Has anyone installed the server without being root?  Is it even possible?  I
tried playing around with the scripts, but I was unable to accomplish anything
useful.  I'm not too worried about security... as I said we use VNC right now
and share our VNC passwords to let people view our sessions.

Any help is greatly appreciated.

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