[FreeNX-kNX] Authentication failed.

Jon Severinsson jon at severinsson.net
Tue Jul 26 15:43:58 UTC 2005

Hi again

Jay Paulson skrev:
> Well I've uninstalled and reinstalled several times on both my work
> machine and home machine.  I still get the same problems even when I use
> the nxsetup --install --setup-nomachine-key.
You must use --clean --purge to get rid of any old generated key (as stated by 
nxsetup --help), and nxsetup will not overwrite excisting keys (I think this is 
undocumented :( ).
Please retry using nxsetup --install --setup-nomachine-key --clean --purge

> These keys you speak of even when using the --setup-nomachine-key option
> do I need to so something with them?
Not if you do use --setup-nomachine-key. When you don't you'll have to copy the 
generated key from the server to the client.

> It seems to me that if I install the nx client on my home machine like the
> installation guide says and then run the nxsetup with
> --setup-nomachine-key option.  Then I download the nx client to my work
> machine to try and connect to my home machine it should work correctly. 
> However, I still get the same error message as I described below.
It should, if all required dependancies is installed (ssh, expect, netcat, 
libjpeg, libpng, zlib and ofcourse x11) and your sshd allows publickey 
athentification. ("PubkeyAuthentication yes" in /etc/ssh/sshd_config)
If sshd does not allow password authentification ("PasswordAuthentication no" in 
/etc/ssh/sshd_config) you'll have to add your users to passdb (nxserver 
--adduser) or add the nx user to the wheel/users group and enable su 
athentification (ENABLE_SU_AUTHENTICATION="1" in node.conf), but if that was the 
problem you would get another (similar) error.

There is also some unresolved issues with using the 1.5.0 client, and the 1.5.0 
backend on the server is not supperted at all, though that should give you 
different errors.
Anyway, could we know what versions is involved here (version of FreeNX, the nx 
backend and the client).

- Jonno

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