[FreeNX-kNX] The 1.5.0 is coming

Jon Severinsson jon at severinsson.net
Sat Jul 23 10:39:09 UTC 2005

Nicholas Lee skrev:
> I assume FreeNX 0.4.2 requires the 1.5 nx libs in order to work with
> the new 1.5 client that has also been released.

No, FreeNX 0.4.x will work with the 1.4.0 sources, and hopefully with 1.5.0 as 
well (afaik it has only been tested with the second snappshot).

Any version of nxclient is supposed to work with any version of nxserver, at 
least from 1.3.0 and forward, though new features has to be pressent on both 
sides to be availible.

FreeNX 0.5.x will require the 1.5 components on the serverside, but should still 
work with any stable (non-snapshot) client 1.3.0 and later.

To sumarize, you can't freely mix backends and freenx version, but servers and 
clients can be mixed in any way.

- Jonno

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