[FreeNX-kNX] nxlibs 1.5.0 and FreeNX 0.4.x

Terje Andersen terander at guard.zapto.org
Mon Jul 11 20:51:27 UTC 2005

Thorsten Sandfuchs wrote:

>On Mon, Jul 11, 2005 at 12:52:56AM +0200, Terje Andersen wrote:
>>I'm trying again to compile and install the latest nxlibs and FreeNX, 
>>after a long brake.
>>nx-srv:/home/test/.nx# cat 
>>Info: No suitable cache file found.
>>Info: Starting X protocol compression.
>>Error: Token overflow handling messages.
>this is the main error. And as we investigated locatet in nxcomp/Proxy.cpp due
>to a bug in the token-handling.
>As they already are devoloping with nxcomp-1.5.0-54, which isn't released for
>publich yet, this could already be fixed. He suggests setting the tokenLimit
>to a size, which works, gaining some latency problem, but at least makeing the
>package useable for testing (not for production purposes). You could patch the
>function "Proxy::handleControlFromProxy" in Proxy.cpp as well, although
>unexpected Session-failure may occure with both solutions!
Ok, thanks for helping out Thorsten, I'll see if I try to set the 
tokenLimit to a fixed value, or I'll wait for a new release from !M.
Great to get an explanation that tells me that I haven't done something 
wrong (which I thought... :-)).

>>Anyone got any clues to what I can do to get this fixed ? This is my 
>>n'th time trying to get this to work, and so far it's not been my 
>>year.... :-(
>snapshot 3 works much better, but not for production states, due to a growing
>errorlog, because of a huge verbosity on the debug-levels.

>I don't know if the snapshot 3 is still downloadable from !m - I don't hink
>so. Hopefully they will release another snapshot with a fix.
No, I can't find the snapshot 3 on !M, so I think I've got three options 
now; 1) wait for fix/new release, 2) try to set the tokenLimit manually, 
or 3) Revert to snapshot 2 which I have previously downloaded.

Thanks for your answer Thorsen! :-)


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