[FreeNX-kNX] How to change authentication to support AD?

Manuel Zach loogaroo at gmail.com
Fri Dec 9 20:50:25 UTC 2005


Am Freitag, den 09.12.2005, 12:59 +0100 schrieb
terander at guard.zapto.org:
> Have anyone managed to get FreeNX/NXServer to allow users from MS Active
> Directory to logon ? I've followed the various articles found through
> google on how to enable users from AD to logon to a Linux client with
> various results, and none really successful....
> It would be great stuff to add to the FreeNX FAQ on Berlios, and I'll
> write a How-to there if I can manage to get it to work.

I have a FreeNX Server with authentication against a rather complex
AD-Service in production use.
I use pam_winbind, and I'm pretty happy with it.
I have documented it here:

I also wrote https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ActiveDirectoryHowto, this solution
is more complex and the quality of this How-To is not yet fine.

Both are written for Ubuntu breezy and Windows 2003 Server, but it
should also work for other distris.

Please give me feedback whether the How-Tos are not good enough or if
they could help you.


Manuel Zach

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