[FreeNX-kNX] nxtunnel 0.4

Kurt Pfeifle k1pfeifle at gmx.net
Tue Sep 21 11:43:23 UTC 2004

On Tuesday 21 September 2004 12:53, Neal H. Walfield wrote:

> I am pleased to announce version 0.4 of nxtunnel.  As usual, you can
> find it at:
>     http://web.walfield.org/pub/people/neal/nxtunnel/
> This version offers the following major improvement: when running
> applications in rootless mode, nxagent is bypassed and nxproxy -C is
> called directly.  If you have used nxagent in rootless mode (e.g. by
> running nxtunnel without the -r option), you will have noticed that
> the focus does not really work correctly.  By using nxproxy directly,
> it will.  

But I notice that on low bandwidth connections it also feels much 
*slower* now  ;-)

The reason is, that nxagent's roundtrip suppression is not present.
By using an nxproxy <--> nxproxy connection only, you have the 
benefit of 2 NX benefits and miss 1: NX compression and NX caching
are there, but NX roundtrip suppression is not there.

Is it possible to get the use of nxagent back (controlled by a
commandline option for rootless mode)? It is great also for demo
purposes: running 2 sessions side by side, one with nxagent and
one without can really make visible the big effect roundtrips have
on performance.


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