[FreeNX-kNX] Re: got: "cannot create directory `/home/.nx'"

Jean-Eric Cuendet jec at rptec.ch
Tue Oct 19 16:19:42 UTC 2004

> Setup Server1 and create client.id_dsa.key and server.id_dsa.pub.key
> Setup Server2
> copy server.id_dsa.pub.key from server1 to server2

OK. But what if you connect to nx.company1.com and also to nx.company2.org ?
You are lost...

> Its actually the same process that you would use if you have multiple 
> computers that you want to ssh into. You keep your id_dsa file secret, 
> but place id_dsa.pub on every computer you want to connect to. SSH does 
> the rest.

No it's very different. You spread the *private* key into clients to let 
them connect, not the *public* key like in the SSH case.
The difference is that you have only one account on the UNIX machine 
while with SSH, each user has its own account, and its own 

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